
Community Grant Workshops and Hawkesbury Community Learning Hub 20 June

Community Grants

Hawkesbury City Council has created an online Current Grant Opportunities resource on Your Hawkesbury – Your Say. The page is consistently updated with new grant opportunities for the Hawkesbury community and includes brief descriptions of grants, funding amounts, who can apply, and the application closure dates. It is not an exhaustive list, but it is a good place to start looking for grant opportunities for individuals, community groups and organisations. You can find the page by visiting

Grants Workshops

Hawkesbury City Council has now completed running a successful three-part community grant workshop series across the Hawkesbury. We would like to thank all individuals and community organisations who attended for their enthusiasm and positive engagement.

If you or your organisation missed out on these workshops, you can find workshop recordings and presentation slides on the Community Grants and Support page at

These are an excellent resource to refer to when applying for grants in the future, either within your community group or organisation, or as a collaborative project application with other community groups or organisations. The workshops presented to the community were:

  • Deep Dive Into Grants Workshop

Melanie Trethowan explains the grant writing process into language that non-grant writers can understand. This helps potential applicants to make a clear go/no go decision about whether a specific grant program is suitable for their project.

  • No Worries! Getting Your Project Shovel-Ready

Rather than sitting back and waiting for the perfect grant program to fall into your lap, start work now! Learn how to prepare a detailed project brief, what information to gather, and what attachments you will require. Start thinking strategically – who you could partner with, how to be innovative and clear about where your project fits into the long-term plans of your group. Get your ducks lined up now!

  • Managing Your Project and Acquittals

What happens once your application is successful? What are the key things you need to monitor as the project rolls out? What are milestones and why are they important? How to manage the money? And what if things go pear-shaped? Everything you need to know to ensure your project is delivered on time and on budget.

If you or your organisation missed these workshops you can find workshop recordings and presentation slides on the Community Grants and Support page at

These are an excellent resource to refer to when applying for grants in the future, either within your community group or organisation or as a collaborative project application with other community groups or organisations.

Hawkesbury Community Learning Hub

Hawkesbury City Council has also partnered with iClick2Learn to create Hawkesbury Community Learning Hub, which is a comprehensive online resource for committees and volunteers. It contains webinars, courses, and learning content about committees, governance, finance, volunteers, grants etc. The Learning Hub provides people living, working, or volunteering in the Hawkesbury community with ‘bite-sized’ learning and the opportunity to upskill.

Council can provide a 12 month membership code which will give you full access to the site Hawkesbury Learning Hub – iClick2learn, see the website

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