Yarra City Council is creating more opportunities for its residents to speak to their councillors to discuss issues that matter to them with a series of in-person events.
Recently we announced the launch of our new program – . Held monthly between February and November across a variety of locations within Yarra, residents will have the opportunity to share ideas, ask questions and chat to their councillors about the topics that are important to them.
In addition to this monthly session, we will also be offering our residents the opportunity to meet their Ward councillors at a Ward based event next month.
This will provide the Yarra community with the chance to speak to their elected representative face-to-face about issues and matters that concern them.
Over the upcoming months additional events will be organised, providing residents with a range of opportunities to speak to, and build relationships with, their councillors.
The first date in this series is Tuesday 7 March, where we will be hosting informal drop-in sessions between 5.30pm and 7pm at the below locations in our Melba, Langridge and Nicholls wards:
Melba: Jack Dyer Pavilion, Citizens Park, Richmond.
Langridge: Victoria Park, inside the stadium.
Nicholls: Edinburgh Gardens Community Rooms.