The diversity of conservation boards around Aotearoa is increasing with 47 appointments to 14 of the 15 conservation boards across New Zealand announced today by the Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage.
“Conservation boards play a vital role in advising the Department of Conservation, and influencing and regulating how public conservation lands and waters are managed. They share in a vision to protect nature, encourage recreation and ensure communities have a voice in conservation.
“I’m pleased that these appointments bring the proportion of women members on conservation boards to 53 per cent while 38 per cent of board members identify as Māori,” said Eugenie Sage.
The appointments include 21 reappointments and 26 new appointments.
“Conservation boards ensure that their local communities are reflected in the statutory plans that govern how the Department of Conservation (DOC) and Treaty partners manage natural and historic heritage and recreational assets such as tracks. They decide how the content of management plans should be finalised, and monitor DOC’s progress in accomplishing the promise of these plans.
“In making these appointments I have kept in mind the major tasks facing each conservation board over the next three years, and the skills and knowledge that will be required to deal with those effectively. I have considered the need to ensure a balance of knowledge in nature conservation, natural earth and marine sciences, cultural heritage, recreation, tourism, the local community, and Māori perspectives.
“I have also sought to achieve a balance on each conservation board in terms of experience, geographic spread, gender and age, recreation interests and representativeness of community interests,” said Eugenie Sage.
Roughly one third of all conservation board members are appointed each year. There were over 150 nominations received for this years’ appointment round.
“I was delighted by the increased age diversity and high calibre of nominees this year, I thank all those who applied. I would also like to thank outgoing members for their commitment and contribution to conservation efforts throughout Aotearoa. This is a unique time and an exceptional opportunity for all New Zealanders explore, discover, and enjoy our shared Papatūānuku” said Eugenie Sage.
Conservation board appointments took effect from 7 July 2020. More information about conservation boards can be found at: