Work is under way on the new Robertson Park toilets.
Contractors Renascent Regional erected site fences this week, after being awarded the contract for the $195,000 construction project late last year.
Today Mayor Reg Kidd turned the first sod for the project and the Sir Neville House monument was lifted out of the ground by a crane.
Cr Reg Kidd said he was pleased to see work beginning.
“The people of Orange have been looking forward to seeing work begin on this project for some time,” Cr Reg Kidd said. “Weather permitting the work will be completed by Anzac Day.”
“The site alongside the CWA hall and across the road from the Visitors Centre is an ideal spot for the new toilet to be built.”
“Council crews will aim to beautify the space with plants that are sympathetic to the park in the future, once weather conditions improve and plant growth can be sustained.”
The new building will contain 3 separate toilet cubicles, including an accessible toilet equipped with a change-table. The building will be constructed next to the pathway that runs through the middle of Robertson Park, near the CWA hall.
The toilet is designed to complement the heritage features of the park. It will be constructed of similarly-coloured brick and materials as the CWA hall. There will also be a skylight in the roof, along with a paved pergola entrance at the front of the building, which faces the CWA hall.
Exterior CCTV will be installed to monitor the area of the park that surrounds the toilets. Automatic entry doors will be set to open during daylight hours only, expect for when night events are on in the park.
The Sir Neville Howse memorial is in the area proposed for the new toilet block. The memorial will be put into storage until the construction is complete, and then relocated to another area in the park.