- Release of research roadmap to accelerate industry-scale mineral carbonation
- $2.5 million Accelerated Mineral Carbonation Research Program open
- Mineral carbonation research supports delivery of the Cook Government’s Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage Action Plan
The Cook Government will seek to accelerate industry-scale mineral carbonation as part of its recently released Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage Action Plan.
The Action Plan, announced by Premier Roger Cook on Thursday, 21 November, highlighted mineral carbonation as a potential emissions reduction technology.
Mineral carbonation is a naturally occurring carbon sequestration process which has the potential to lock up carbon emissions on a gigatonne scale in Western Australia.
The Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia (MRIWA) Mineral Carbonation Roadmap identifies a pathway for accelerated mineral carbonation, the industrial-scale process to convert CO2 into a stable form using mining wastes and byproducts.
It sets out a co-ordinated program of work to enable accelerated mineral carbonation in Western Australia across four themes: science and technology, economic viability, social and environmental impacts, and policy and regulatory needs.
MRIWA is now taking expressions of interest for applications under the Accelerated Mineral Carbonation Research Program to activate the roadmap.
For more information on how to apply and to register your interest, visit:
As stated by Mines and Petroleum Minister David Michael:
“Accelerated mineral carbonation technology provides an opportunity for State and industry to work together to convert large legacy stockpiles of mining and processing waste into sequestration assets.
“Research focused on accelerating mineral carbonation technologies will play a vital role in contributing to reducing CO2 emissions, as well as potentially creating new jobs, businesses and markets for mineral carbonate products for Western Australia.”