All businesses should be monitoring advice from NSW Health on the current status and advice on what to do to prevent exposure, when to seek medical treatment and when and how testing should be conducted.
NSW Health is the lead NSW Government Agency for the NSW response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
The Department of Customer Service will not provide specific information on the spread or containment of COVID-19, as the most up-to-date authoritative advice will be provided by NSW Health. Go to the on
A person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of workers and other persons. Employers and businesses may also have other obligations under a range of business regulations administered by the DCS.
Some businesses have contacted us to ask what will our regulators do if a business is unable to meet regulatory obligations as a direct result of COVID-19. Our current advice is:
- Keep up to date in regard to controls to prevent the spread of COVID-19 including any restrictions on normal business activities for example the requirements for mass gatherings over 500 people, and respond accordingly:
- If there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 in your place of business you should seek advice from NSW Health.
- If NSW Health becomes aware of a positive diagnosis they have procedures in place to track the movements of the person and will provide advice on what action should be taken.
- Current legislative requirements remain in force however if you are unable to meet your regulatory obligations because of COVID-19 then we will take a reasonable and proportionate response. Note that new requirements may come into force and these will be announced publicly.
We understand that businesses are currently preparing contingency plans for what to do if stronger containment measures are put in place.
We encourage you to prepare business continuity plans if you do not already have them.
Information on business continuity planning can be found at