Funding the Goulburn Valley Highway Shepparton Bypass is at the top of the priority list for Greater Shepparton City Council, with the crucial development highlighted in the Victorian Government election priorities 2022 document ahead of the upcoming Victorian State Government election.
With Greater Shepparton experiencing significant growth and many new opportunities, certain challenges need to be addressed to ensure the region’s continued success and prosperity.
Council is calling on the Victorian Government to deliver Stage 1 of the Shepparton Bypass, including the apportionment and allocation of funds. The Goulburn Valley Highway in and around Greater Shepparton can no longer support existing traffic volumes, and future regional economic and community growth are at risk if these inadequacies are not addressed.
“Greater Shepparton City Council is extremely grateful for the Victorian Government’s ongoing support for the region, specifically in relation to the Maude Street Mall Redevelopment, new Shepparton Art Museum (SAM), the Greater Shepparton Secondary College and the Museum of Vehicle Evolution (MOVE),” Mayor, Cr Shane Sali said.
“With this being said, there are still many major projects which are needed for our region to ensure its continued prosperity. The Bypass is the highest priority, and we – alongside the entire community – will continue to advocate for its completion.
“The Bypass is a game changer for this region in terms of liveability, efficient movement of freight, productivity, global competitiveness and safety.”
Council’s second priority for the region is the Shepparton Sports and Events Centre, particularly on the back of the Government’s commitment to securing the Victoria 2026 Commonwealth Games.
“Council is proud to have played a part in the early stages of this project and our community is eagerly awaiting further detail on what sporting and cultural events our region will host,” Cr Sali said.
“A confirmed investment into the Shepparton Sports and Events Centre would enable the facility to host competition as part of the regional schedule. The regionally and nationally significant sporting, entertainment and events complex would cater for a variety of users, and would remain an exciting legacy project for Greater Shepparton.”
The other infrastructure priority projects include the allocation of funding for Stage 2 of the Goulburn Valley Health Redevelopment, funding to deliver the Tech School for Greater Shepparton, and investment in the early years including an integrated Children and Families Centre and early childhood education and care workforce.
Council is also advocating for funding for Stage 2 of the Munarra Centre for Regional Excellence which will service and support the Goulburn Murray region, along with an allocation of $2.665 million for Shepparton Foodshare to construct its forever home.
“The region has demonstrated that we have the capacity to deliver complex projects and each dollar spent here by the Victorian Government generates many more in economic activity, not only across Greater Shepparton but across the state more broadly,” Cr Sali said.
“With the challenges of the last two years it is more important than ever that key priority projects within our region are funded. This will assist in the economic recovery of our region and enhance the prosperity of regional cities across the country.”
Council’s Ask of Government also highlights several policy areas including poverty and welfare disadvantage, water security, climate adaption and resilience, renewable energy zones and electricity grid updates, the carbon market, and growing regional opportunities for work.
“These policies are extremely important for our region and highlight our path forward for the sustainability of our environment and ensuring everyone has access to the support they need,” Cr Sali said.
“Our Ask of Government was developed in collaboration with the Committee for Greater Shepparton and a number of key stakeholders within the community who have an inherent interest in the success of the region. We look forward to discussing these priorities with the Government in the near future.”