Cessnock City Council is a proud champion of Right to Know Week 2023 and is committed to supporting the protection of information access rights of the local community.
Right to Know Week is an international campaign that aims to encourage NSW public sector agencies to improve their knowledge of the Government Information (Public Access) Act or GIPA Act. It also aims to raise awareness of a person’s right to access government held information in NSW.
Right to Know Week runs from 25 September – 1 October 2023 and the theme this year is ‘The importance of the online space for access to information’.
Cessnock City Council’s General Manager, Ken Liddell, said the Right to Know remains crucial in this digital age.
“Government service delivery in NSW is increasingly digital, and more information is being collected, stored and applied using digital technology,” Mr Liddell said.
“Cessnock City Council is committed to assisting the community to access information about Council, and there are a number of ways to do this.”
Residents can access information about Cessnock City Council via Council’s website, or by making an informal or formal request. Visit to find out more.
For more information about Right to Know Week, visit .