
Council Decided – 4 June 2019 – Mosman

Scotland Australia Cairn Wardens

Mosman Council has, since 1988, maintained the Scotland Australia Cairn at Rawson Park with the assistance of numerous Wardens both past and present. Council resolved to appoint a new Honorary Warden, Mr John Coombs, whose appointment will be formally acknowledged at the next annual inspection of the Cairn on Monday 17 June.

Adoption of MOSPLAN and Budget

Council recently exhibited its (draft) revised MOSPLAN 2018-2021 Delivery Program and 2019-2020 Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges.

The period for public comment closed on 5 May and the documents were again considered by Council, along with submissions received. Council resolved to adopt all documents, incorporating changes made following the public consultation period and including revised hire fees for outdoor netball courts at Drill Hall Common.

The revised MOSPLAN 2018-2021 Delivery Program and 2019-2020 Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges, all of which will come into force on July 1 this year, will be uploaded shortly. In the meantime, the documents submitted to Council can be accessed on the ‘Council Agendas and Minutes’ page of this website.

Before and After School Care Review

In March this year Council considered a report on its Before and After School Care service. There have been various developments relating to out of school hours care since that time and these were included in a further report to Council. Council noted the contents of both reports and resolved to consider a further report on usage of the before and after school care service in three months’ time. It was also resolved that Council write to the Premier, the Minister for Education and the State Member for North Shore noting the NSW Government’s recent commitment to providing on-site before and after school care and school holiday care to all parents with children at public primary schools by 2021, seeking advice on the proposed roll-out of this initiative at Mosman Public School, and noting both the strong and growing need for out of school hours care at that school and the school’s concern that its facilities are currently inadequate to provide the required on-site services.

Council further resolved to provide in principle support to Mosman Public School building a new structure on the school grounds, subject to streetscape and heritage impacts, to accommodate the school’s total demand for before and after school care and school holiday care from 7am until 6pm. Council would work constructively with any parties nominated by Mosman Public School to assist in the process of delivering on-site before and after school care and school holiday care.

Marie Bashir Mosman Sports Centre Venue Hire Policy

Having previously resolved to defer consideration of a revised venue hire policy for the Marie Bashir Mosman Sports Centre, Council again considered revisions to the policy and adopted these in full. The revisions include providing priority usage for female sport, in keeping with an earlier resolution of Council. It was also resolved that Mosman Netball be encouraged to approach Council with any concerns they may have.

Mayoral and Councillor Fees

Council considered the latest determination by the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal in relation to fees payable to Mayors and Councillors in NSW and resolved, in keeping with previous practice, to adopt the fees as determined by the Tribunal. Fees payable are $44,230 per annum for Mayor and $19,790 for Councillors.

Clifton Gardens Boom Gate

In December 2018 Council resolved to keep the boom gate located at Clifton Gardens open for a six month trial. Council considered a report prepared at the conclusion of the trial which found that, as no issues had been identified or evidence shown of anti-social behaviour, there was no need to keep the gate locked. It was subsequently resolved that the gate at Clifton Gardens remain open and that the car park be managed like all other Council reserve car parks.

Waste and Recycling Services

Council considered its future requirements for waste and recycling services and resolved to call tenders with approved specifications for a new seven year Waste and Recycling Services contract, with an option for Council to extend for a further three years. This matter will be reported to Council again later this year once the tender process is complete.

Mosman Local Strategic Planning Statement

All Councils in NSW are required to prepare a Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) that details planning priorities for each local government area and actions to achieve these planning priorities. In so doing each LSPS is to provide the basis for strategic planning in an area having regard to economic, social and environmental matters. In recent months Mosman Council has been preparing its draft LSPS in response to State planning requirements, setting out a 20-year vision for land-use planning, and outlining how growth and change will be managed to maintain Mosman’s environmental amenity, liveability and landscape qualities. The draft LSPS, which responds to and complements MOSPLAN, was formally considered by Council and endorsed for public exhibition, due to commence on 27 June and continue until 7 August 2019. A further report will be submitted to Council at the conclusion of the exhibition period.

Low Rise Medium Density Housing Code

In July 2018 Mosman was granted a 12-month deferral from the Low-Rise Medium Density Housing Code of the State government’s Codes SEPP and Council has since sought permanent exclusion from that Code. The Low-Rise Medium Density Housing Code allows one and two storey dual occupancies, manor houses and multi-dwelling housing (terraces) to be constructed on certain land as complying development subject to meeting State-wide controls. With the one year deferral drawing to a close and Council having been advised in May that the new Minister for Planning and Public Spaces is actively considering Council’s request, Council resolved to take further urgent action on this significant issue. The Mayor and General Manager will request an urgent meeting with the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces and the local State member, Felicity Wilson, to re-iterate Council’s request for Mosman’s permanent exemption from the Medium Density Code of the Codes SEPP. At the same meeting further clarification will also be sought from the Minister of his recent promising statements signalling a possible end to spot rezoning and planning proposals that are currently used by developers to gain approval for developments outside existing planning controls.

Parking Management

As part of its ongoing consideration of parking management in Mosman, Council resolved in December last year to consult with local retailers, the Mosman Chamber of Commerce and Councillors regarding use of parking sensors for enforcement, current time restrictions for parking, a desired change process and options for additional parking. A comprehensive stakeholder engagement plan was subsequently rolled out and a report prepared outlining the results of the engagement undertaken. Based on the findings of this report a series of recommendations was made to Council, with Council resolving to use its installed parking sensors for enforcement purposes, to switch on the purple lights in car parks to identify overstayers and to alter parking restrictions in the Vista Street carpark from 1P to 2P and 4P to 3P. It was also decided that the commencement of enforcement would be subject to a two month community education program and grace period. Council also resolved that an analysis be undertaken of the impact of converting unrestricted parking spaces in Gouldsbury Street and Myahgah Road to 2P, with further reports also to be prepared to Council and the Traffic Committee from time to time making recommendations on further improvements to Council’s parking regime using data obtained from its parking technology.

Note: A rescission motion was lodged in relation to the above decision prior to the conclusion of the meeting. No action will therefore be taken in relation to this decision until the matter is further considered by Council at its meeting of 2 July 2019.

/Public Release. View in full .