
Council Decided — Mosman

2020 Louise Petchell Memorial Award for Individual Sustainability

Mayor Carolyn Corrigan delivered a Mayoral Minute congratulating Council’s Environment Education Officer, Loani Tierney, on winning the 2020 Louise Petchell Memorial Award for Individual Sustainability. Loani has worked with Mosman Council for 10 years, during which she has been instrumental in the delivery of a range of environmental projects. Mayor Corrigan was joined by the President of Local Government NSW, Councillor Linda Scott, who formally presented Loani with her award.

Quarterly MOSPLAN Report and Financial Statement

Council received and noted progress reports on the 2020-2021 MOSPLAN Operational Plan, as well as its 2020-21 Budget for the July – September 2020 quarter. MOSPLAN delivery is well on track, and financial performance for the quarter has exceeded original budget expectations, with the forecasted year-end deficit significantly reduced by $771,900 to $96,500.

Mosman Jigsaw Project

Following the success of its Mosman Monopoly project in 2016, the Rotary Club of Mosman is now developing a 1000 piece, double-sided Mosman Jigsaw Puzzle, due for completion in early 2021. Proceeds from sale of the jigsaw puzzle featuring images of present day Mosman on one side and late nineteenth century Mosman on the reverse, will assist Mosman Rotary in delivering community projects. Council resolved to provide financial sponsorship of $5,000 for the jigsaw project, as well as covering related access fees for Mosman’s Local Studies Collection.

Mosman Local Housing Strategy

In August this year Council resolved to publicly exhibit the Draft Mosman Local Housing Strategy for comment. Following exhibition and after considering community feedback, Council has now resolved to adopt the Mosman Local Housing Strategy as exhibited. The adopted Strategy will be submitted to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for approval.

Public Domain Manual

Following the recent exhibition of its Draft Public Domain Manual, Council resolved to adopt the new Manual which will guide the quality and standard of public domain assets in Mosman and help create a cohesive identity for Mosman’s public spaces.

Planning Panel Membership

Council considered membership of two planning panels relevant to Mosman – the Mosman Local Planning Panel (MLLP) and the Sydney North Planning Panel. It was resolved that, in relation to the Sydney North Planning Panel, Council’s current nominees – namely the Hon. Justice Paul Stein, Councillor Tom Sherlock and Mr Brian McDonald as alternate member be renominated to continue serving on that panel. Council also agreed that, in relation to the MLLP, Ministerial approval be sought to re-appoint Justice Stein as Panel Chair and Peter Wells and Lesley Finn as alternates to the Chair, and that all other existing expert and community members of the panel be reappointed for the period 6 March 2021 to 6 March 2024.

Traffic Blackspots – Spit Road/Balmoral

After discussing a range of issues relating to access to Spit Road from local streets to the east, and specific traffic concerns in those streets, Council resolved that a series of meetings be scheduled with relevant authorities to discuss matters including bus movements in Punch Street, traffic signals at the intersection of Spit Road and Stanton Road, and traffic light phasing at the intersection of Spit Road and Awaba Street.

Mosman Environmental Foundation Directors

Earlier this year the Mosman Environmental Foundation was formally registered on the Register of Environmental Organisations. The Foundation has been established to give effect to a $500,000 donation made to a charitable trust to raise funds and grants for environmental works in Mosman. Following a call for Directors of the Trustee for the Foundation, Council resolved to appoint six Directors from applications received, enabling the work of the Foundation to move forward.

/Public Release. View in full .