The City of Ryde has endorsed its 2020/21 Budget and Capital Works Program, which details how Council
will take a leading role in the City’s economic recovery while maintaining a balanced bottom line.
The budget – referred to as the One Year Operational Plan 2020/21 – outlines a range of key public
infrastructure projects Council will undertake over the next 12 months. These include.
• Redeveloping the Ryde Civic Centre site to deliver a four -fold increase in community space
• A new multi -level car park in Rowe Street East in Eastwood
• The missing link of the Ryde River Walk along the Parramatta River foreshore
• A new regional playground with water play elements at Meadowbank Park
• An upgrade of the public domain at Coxs Road in North Ryde
• A new Eastwood to Macquarie Park cycleway
• An upgrade of the town centre at Ry edale Road in West Ryde
• Enhancing libr ary facilities and digital services
• Commencing work on the new Catherine Hamlin Park in Macquarie Park
• Renewing playgrounds at Ma rjorie and Jennifer Park s, as well as improving accessibility at
playgrounds throughout the local government area
• Lighting and infrastructure upgrades, including field renewals, to key sports fields such as ELS Hall
Park, Ryde Park, Gannan Park, Westminster Park and Pidding Park
• Brand new amenities buildings at ELS Hall and Meadowbank parks.
Total capital expenditure for 2020/21 is budgeted at $80.64 million, an increase of almost $30 million on
the previous 12 -month period. Council is forecast to maintain a working capital balance of $4.5 million at
the end of 2020/21.
In addition to capital works, Counc il has also budgeted for significant support to local resid ents and
busines ses. Approved Jobseeker and Jobk eeper applicants will be eligibl e for a $400 council rate re bate.
while eligible pensioners will rec eive an extra $150 voluntary pensioner subsidy to supplement the $250
statutory pe nsioner s ubsidy they already receive.
Further, Council will waive more than 40 different fees and charges for the next six months and provide
assistance such a s rental relief to commercial tenant s that have suffered a downturn in trade.
City of Ryde Mayor, Clr Jerome Laxale, said Co uncil’s strong financial position meant it could forge ahead
with large projects and not go into deficit despite the serious challenges posed by the coronavirus (COVID –
19) pandemic.
“This budget is all about supporting job creation, investing in public infrastructure and getting the City of
Ryde back on the road to recovery,” Clr Laxale said.