A statement from Brimbank City Council Mayor, Cr Georgina Papafotiou
On behalf of Brimbank Council, I would like to express my sincere condolences to the family and friends of 15-year-old Solomone Taufeulungaki who tragically lost his life on Tuesday afternoon in Deer Park.
Any loss of life is a terrible tragedy and our thoughts are with his loved ones at this very difficult time.
Council works locally with a whole range of community based organisations, schools and government departments to deliver programs, supports and facilities for young people.
In response to this tragedy, Council has been working in conjunction with a number of key agencies to plan support for the Pasifika community and wider network of young people in Brimbank.
This includes with representatives of Council’s libraries, neighbourhood houses, youth services, leaders from the Pasifika community, the Centre for Multicultural Youth, Youth Support Advocacy Service, and
Our immediate focus has been to support the family and community coming to the site for peaceful reflection and mourning. Along with the Community Leaders, Council staff have been at the location to help establish the site as a place of healing, which has been the wish of the family. We are providing respectful assistance and support for those people coming to mourn and leave flowers.
Council has and will continue to work with services that support young people. An important program run in Brimbank by the has been the Le Mana (Empower) Pasifika Project, which helps to build connected communities and a sense of belonging for Pasifika young people in Victoria.
For the past 18 months, Council has also run a highly successful program with Victoria Police ‘Making Moves’ at the Sydenham Catholic College. This is a ‘drop in’ basketball and soccer program, run by local police and youth services, and encourages engagement with young people and building positive relationships.
Council continually works with the community to provide support and services to young people who live, work or study in Brimbank. Helping young people feel connected and part of the community through music, art, sport and expressions of culture is key to them realising their potential.
We know that over the past few months of COVID-19 restrictions, young people have been significantly impacted by not being able to socialise together, play sport and access some services in person. Our focus will be about helping to build back the positive engagement opportunities for our young people safely and collaboratively.