Greater Shepparton City Council is reminding community members of the shared zone in Maude Street, between Fryers Street and High Street, which has a 20km/h speed limit.
- Reminder of Maude Street shared zone: 20km/h speed limit between Fryers Street and High Street.
- Pedestrians have right of way: Drivers must give way at all times, including slowing down or stopping.
- Specially-designed entryway: Fryers Street entrance indicates restricted speed zone.
- Importance of mutual respect: Safer journeys ensured by adhering to shared zone laws and being mindful of vulnerable road users.
Read the full story below.
Council officers and traders have witnessed numerous incidents involving cars exceeding the speed limit along this shared stretch of road, creating dangerous environments for not only pedestrians, but cyclists and other vehicles too.
A shared zone is an area utilised by both pedestrians and vehicular traffic, including bicycles. Shared zones are indicated by the signage shown below which also display the speed limit, which must be followed within the area.
Once inside the shared zone, pedestrians have the right of way or priority over vehicles. This means that drivers, including cyclists, must give way to pedestrians at all times, including slowing down or even coming to a stop to allow pedestrians to move through the shared zone.
The entrance to the shared zone along Fryers Street has a specially-designed narrow entryway, to make it clear that they are entering a restricted speed zone.
Slowing traffic makes it safer for pedestrians to share the road with cars, motorbikes and bicycles. All traffic, whether they are on foot, bike or motor vehicle, share the road together and look out for one another.
Council’s Director Sustainable Development, Geraldine Christou, urged the community to follow the road rules and signage in place.
“It is really important that as a community, we adhere to the shared zone laws and give way to pedestrians at all times. By following these laws we can help prevent accidents and keep ourselves and others safe,” she said.
“By showing respect to each other inside this shared zone, we can make a positive impact and ensure safer journeys for everyone.”
Greater Shepparton’s Business Networks President, Stephen Schneider, spoke to the importance of the shared zone and why it is in place along Maude Street.
“The most important thing to remember when travelling down the Maude Street shared zone is that motorists must give way to pedestrians. Shared zones are signposted, and will often have a different look and feel to a normal road environment,” he said.
“While all road users should be mindful of one another, it is especially important for people operating a vehicle to be aware of vulnerable road users in these areas.”