In preparation for the forthcoming fire season, Murrindindi Shire Council began its Fire Prevention Slashing Program on 19 October 2020.
Murrindindi Shire Council’s Acting CEO Michael Chesworth said the commencement of the Program in October is consistent with Council’s approach to fire management in recent years, which has been very well received by the community.
‘Our contractors have started slashing in Alexandra and Eildon, and will then move on to the Taggerty, Yarck, Molesworth, Yea and Highlands areas at the end of the month.
‘As always, we kick off our slashing program in the north of the Shire, which dries off earlier than the southern parts. Around mid-November slashing will begin in the Strath Creek, Flowerdale and Glenburn areas. Similar to previous years, the majority of Marysville’s fire prevention slashing works will be carried out during December and January by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.
‘Slashing works in the Kinglake Ranges are scheduled to start in late-November. Council officers are working with neighbouring councils and Regional Roads Victoria to ensure fire prevention works in the Kinglake Ranges area are well-coordinated.
‘Of course, exact timing of slashing is hard to pin down, as this is subject to change according to weather conditions and the curing rates of grass. We’ll do our best to keep the schedules as up-to-date as possible, so be sure to keep your eye on our website’, Mr Chesworth added.
‘Fire preparedness is a high priority for Council. Our Fire Prevention Slashing Program is aimed at improving safety for road users and protecting property and public infrastructure. While we’re doing our part, every landowner has a responsibility to ensure they take necessary steps in reducing grass and fire risks during the fire danger period too’, said Mr Chesworth.’
‘Council is also assisting its non-resident ratepayers who are in metropolitan Melbourne areas to ensure they too are able to prepare their properties for the upcoming fire season. There is more information about this on our website.
‘As part of Council’s broader fire prevention activities, Community Safety Officers will also be inspecting properties and issuing notices (where required) to ensure property owners maintain their properties throughout the fire danger period’, Mr Chesworth added.
To download a copy of the Fire Prevention Roadside Slashing Schedule for 2020/2021, please click .
Click for a list of roads for which VicRoads is responsible for conducting fire prevention works.