Council supporting recovery from f ire i n Stirling Village Mall A major fire in the Stirling Village Mall yesterday has destroyed the Woolworths store and considerably impacted other businesses within the mall.
“Fortunately, there were n o injuries to the public or first responders but we recognise the personal and economic effects of the fire for those who were involved in some way. That includes staff, shoppers, business owners, first responde rs and their family and friends, ” said Mayor Jan -Claire Wisdom.
“Council acknowledge and thank all emergency service personnel for their rapid response which saved adjoining businesses and the telephone ex change, and also Woolworths and other business staff for evacuating customers safely.” “Council have activated a Stirling Village Mall Fire Recovery T eam to manage our response and support following this incident. ” “We recognise the smoke produced by the fire also has potential health implicatio ns and have closed the Stirling library and office today while we assess the air quality. We are also providing inf ormation to local businesses and residents about the impact of smoke and practical steps they can take to mitigate any health impacts. ” “I have been in contac t with Sarah Burchell, Chair of the Stirling Business Association, and we are working closely with them as we develop the best way to support impacted busines ses and our community,” said Dr Wisdom.