
Council to consider draft Aquatic Strategy at the December meeting

Kempsey Shire Council

Among the agenda items for consideration by Council is the draft Aquatic Strategy, which includes a recommendation to close Gladstone Pool. A revised version of the Lower Macleay Flood Study will also go before Council for adoption, as will the review of the Visitor Information Centre operating model, which includes a direct cost savings of $10,000 per annum, and an update on the status of the Macleay Valley Recreation and Adventure Park.

There is also a Mayoral Minute regarding the Kempsey Airport Lease Fees.

The meeting is only held if there are registered speakers.

The Ordinary Meeting will be held at the Kempsey Shire Council Chambers from 9am on Tuesday 19 December.

You can view the full December agenda and business papers at .

and on the Kempsey Shire Council website.

Draft Aquatic Strategy

Council will consider approving the draft Aquatic Strategy, which is based on the findings from the previous investigation and engagement on Council’s aquatic infrastructure, services and costs.

The draft Aquatic strategy includes a recommendation to develop a closure plan for the Macleay Memorial Pool at Gladstone, identify future uses for the Gladstone pool site, and develop a list of priorities to be funded from the operational savings gained from closing the pool.

The recommendation to close Gladstone pool has come out of the December 2022 Aquatic Facilities Update to Council which highlighted the increasing costs and the risk of failure of Council’s aging aquatic infrastructure.

In particular, the Strategy identifies that Council’s aquatic assets are well-beyond their ordinary useful life, do not meet current standards and are at risk of imminent failure.

Issues such as aging pool shells, significant water leaks, inefficient single filtration systems that do not meet current standards, and unfit amenities and kiosk buildings, present significant financial and operational continuity risks.

The investigation highlighted the under-utilisation of some assets, high and increasing costs of operations and community expectations for enhanced programming and infrastructure improvements.

These issues are amplified by managing four pools in close proximity to each other, creating a small population catchment for each pool, which far exceeds the per capita and geographic accessibility standards within NSW.

Lower Macleay Flood Study

Council will consider adopting the Lower Macleay Flood Study (2023) report, as well as the inclusion of 2100 Climate Change and Sea Level Rise changes to the Flood Planning Levels. The latest recommendation from State Government is to consider the incorporation of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise to safeguard development and reduce future risk.

The Lower Macleay Flood Study (2023) has been prepared by specialist consultant engineers, in consultation with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. The Study provides detailed flood data (flow, level, velocity, depth, and hazard categorisation) covering Turners Flat to Stuarts Point in the north, and south to the Port Macquarie Border excluding the Saltwater Lagoon Catchment.

South West Rocks Visitor Information Centre review

Council will be asked to note the initial 2019-20 Visitor Information Services Review, the further review as requested at the November 2023 Council meeting, and to adopt the proposed Visitor Information Centre operating model.

The proposed model includes the provision of a co-located Visitor Information Centre at the Slim Dusty Centre, as well as two visitor outlets at the Horseshoe Bay and Crescent Head Holiday Parks. This results in the South West Rocks Visitor Information Centre no longer being located at the Maritime precinct, which will allow a cost savings of approximately $10,000.

Macleay Valley Recreation and Adventure Park

Council is asked to note that the Department of Regional NSW has completed its review of the Macleay Valley Recreation and Adventure Park project and have advised that they now consider the project is not viable and that the funding deed will be terminate. There will be no impact financially on Council. The project was 100% externally funded and the costs expended to date will be treated by the State Government as sunk costs.

Council will also be asked to note that the Department of Planning and Environment, via a Places to Play grant, has approved the relocation of the planned BMX/Pump track that was to be part of the Macleay Valley Recreation and Adventure Park project to South Kempsey, and that they approve the grant funding and related costs associated with the BMX/Pump track to be incorporated into Council’s future budget.

Order of Business considered in open session

8.1. Mayoral Minute – Kempsey Airport Lease Fees

9.1. Australia Day Awards Committee

9.2. Local Traffic Committee Minutes – 5 December 2023

10.1. Petition – Gladstone Pool

10.2. Aquatic Strategy

10.3. Residential Flat Building with Strata Subdivision and Extension of Orara Street Development Application – McIntyre Street, South West Rocks – DA2300637 10.4. Lower Macleay Flood Study

10.5. Planning Proposal – 322 Stuarts Point Road, Yarrahapinni – PP-2023-2403

10.6. South West Rocks Visitor Information Centre

10.7. Disposal of Surplus Council Land – Old Temagog RFS Site – Lot 122, DP842025

10.8. Commercial Pilot Training Agreement with Sportfly Aviation

10.9. Macleay Valley Recreation and Adventure Park Update

10.10. Annual Financial Statements

10.11. Amendment to 2023-34 Bellbrook Green Waste Fees

10.12. Delegation of Authority to the General Manager

10.13. Acting General Manager Appointment

10.14. General Manager’s ICMA Conference and Study Tour Ordinary Council Meeting – 19 December 2023 Page 3

10.15. Mid North Coast Joint Organisation Update

10.16. Statement of Cash and Investments – November 2023

11.1. Notice of Motion – Dementia Friendly Organisation

11.2. Delegates Report – LGNSW Annual Conference

11.3. Delegates Report – Country Mayors Association – November Meeting

11.4. Delegates Report – Bushfire Management Committee

12.1. Legal Matters

12.2. Tender TQE23/37 – Supply and Delivery of Water Meters

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