
Council Updates Its Customer Experience Strategy

Georges River Council

Georges River Council recently adopted the updated Customer Experience Strategy 2022-2027 at its meeting held on Monday 26 September 2022.

The purpose of the strategy is to identify short, medium and long-term actions to deliver excellence in customer experience for the Georges River Community.

The following strategic objectives to improve the customer experience are:

• Improving processes with technology services and enhanced ways to provide feedback to Council;

• Providing easy access to information and welcoming services; and

• Embedding a customer-centric culture.

There are many ways these aims can be achieved. For example, customers would like to see an improvement of the booking system for Council venues and parks, along with the website. Customers also need easier interactions with Council in language they can understand that is “jargon-free”.

Mayor Nick Katris said, “I welcome the steps that Council is taking to improve the customers’ experience.”

A Customer Experience Charter has been developed to complement and guide the delivery of the Strategy. The Charter seeks to achieve this by:

• Outlining Council’s customer commitments;

• Identifying expectations surrounding response time frames; and

• Identifying expectations of customer’s behaviour and interactions with Council staff.

For full details, you can read the updated Customer Experience Strategy 2022-2027 on the Georges River Council website page: .

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