Acacia Reserve Lighting
As part of the 2022/2023 Open Space Minor Works program, Council will be installing lighting in Acacia Reserve. The lighting will consist of 5 Solar light poles around the pedestrian pathway that surrounds the reserve. The lights will remain dim at night and will illuminate brighter when motion is detected.
Start Date: 3rd November
Duration: 2 weeks, weather permitting
Stebonheath Dog Park Lighting
As part of the 2022/2023 Open Space Minor Works program, Council will be installing lighting in Stebonheath Dog Park. The lighting consists of 1 light pole with 2 floodlights. During construction, the dog park will remain open for the community to use. The lighting has been designed to avoid light spill into properties bordering the park.
Start Date: Early November 2022
Duration: 5 days, weather permitting
Halsey Road, Elizabeth East Footpath
The footpath on Halsey Road, Elizabeth East is being replaced part of Council’s annual footpath renewal program. We understand this may cause some minor disruption, and ask that residents please observe traffic and pedestrian safety signage whilst work are undertaken.
Start Date: 24 October 2022
Duration: 6 weeks, weather permitting
Washington Drive, Craigmore Footpath
Footpath renewal works on Washington Drive, Craigmore will re-commence as part of Council’s annual footpath renewal program. This work involves the renewal and widening of the existing footpath from 1.2m wide to 1.5m, as well as the upgrade of kerb ramps for accessibility compliance. We understand this may cause some minor disruption, and ask that residents please observe traffic and pedestrian safety signage whilst work are undertaken.
Forecast Start Date: 7 November 2022 – note the on-going wet weather may result in a delay to this start date
Duration: 6 weeks, weather permitting