Like many aspects of our lives, beach going this year will be a little different to stay COVID Safe.
If a beach or open space looks crowded and you cannot physically distance, please consider going somewhere else.
Plans are in place to manage any increase in visitation to Bayside including additional waste collection in our foreshore areas, enforced parking restrictions at beach car parks, social distancing signage along the foreshore and social distancing circles in key Bayside locations.
We have 17km of beautiful foreshore and plenty of world class open spaces. There is enough room for everyone as long as we each continue to take accountability and act responsibly.
The latest ‘must have’ beach accessory – a mask
Wearing a mask is one of the main things we know has helped to defeat the spread of COVID-19 as well as maintaining a 1.5m physical distance.
Under current Third Step restrictions, all Victorians must wear a fitted face mask when they leave home, no matter where they live.
As restrictions ease and movement increases, the effectiveness of a face mask is even more important – even at the beach.
Wearing a face mask provides an additional physical barrier if you are carrying COVID-19 and helps to reduce community transmission, particularly as some people can be infectious with COVID-19 without displaying any symptoms.
Stay COVID Safe Bayside
If you are concerned about breaches of COVID restrictions including mass gatherings, business operations or other restrictions, please contact the Victoria Police Assistance Line on 131 444
Council officers are not authorised to enforce COVID-19 restrictions. We have been working to provide information and education for our community throughout the pandemic and work closely with Victoria Police to identify locations for additional police monitoring.