A wise lady once said “you get more flies with honey than vinegar”.
Being an elected representative of our local community is not just turning up to a Council meeting once a month. There is much reading, researching, asking questions and understanding the role of a Councillor to make a well-informed decision on many and varied issues.
But taking on any elected position does not give people in the community the right to abuse, intimidate, threaten, assault or harasses an elected representative at any level of government. This also extends to those who support the work of our elected representatives.
As a Councillor I am required to make every decision in the best interest of the whole municipal community, not the loudest campaigners, groups or the last person I was speaking to.
Life teaches us that sometimes we will get the outcome that we want and at other times it won’t go our way. In these situations, it is not how we react but how we respond that matters.
Any group of diverse leaders knows that developing relationships is a core strength of a high functioning team which contributes to quality outcomes. A strong comprehension of the many strategies, long-term plans, desired outcomes and being able to negotiate all make for a great team.
When I was elected, I said if at the end of my term I had made just one person’s life better my time on Council had been worth it.
Last year I had a mum tell me the Hamilton Street Bridge was going to be the safe way her girls travelled to school. Since the funding announcement the same mum shared how this piece of infrastructure was not only important for her girls but the ongoing connection of their elderly and disabled family members who cannot drive.
That’s what I am here for, to make people’s lives in this community even better!
Have a happy and safe Easter. Be sure to take care of each other.