Tasmanian Labor is calling on the government to urgently address community sector concerns about the looming crisis in funding.
Labor Leader Rebecca White said that having carried the extra load of the coronavirus pandemic, vital community services such as Foodbank are now running on empty.
“Foodbank has literally run out of money and is now operating solely on donations and the efforts of volunteers,” Ms White said.
“They are understandably worried about what happens when JobKeeper and JobSeeker start winding back at the end of this month and demand for their services can be expected to spike – again.”
Labor Member for Franklin Alison Standen said Foodbank is a major provider supplying emergency relief centres with hampers of non-perishable food.
“Neighbourhood Houses, Red Cross, and community churches distribute this food to those most in need and have already been dealing with a doubling in demand during the pandemic.
“Foodbank put in a budget submission last December, but no state Budget in May has meant massive uncertainty.
“These vital services cannot wait for the November Budget.
“Foodbank desperately needs to secure longer term funding so it can assure these grassroots community groups they’ll have a reliable supply of food to distribute to those most in need.”
Rebecca White MP
Labor Leader
Alison Standen MP
Labor Member for Franklin