
Cutting Crime and Investing in Generational Change: New Legislation to Target Secondary Supply

The Territory Labor Government is cutting crime and creatinga better future for children with the passing of new legislation today to helpPolice target the secondary supply of alcohol.

We are tackling alcohol-related harm by introducing some ofthe most comprehensive alcohol policy and legislation reforms in the nation.

The Liquor Amendment Bill 2018 increases the powers ofPolice and the Liquor Commission by:

  • Providing powers to specialised police officers to undertake covertoperations to capture, for example, anyone purchasing alcohol on behalf ofsomeone on the BDR. This might include attempting to use a Taxi, ride share orsimilar service to knowingly circumvent the BDR.

  • AllowingPolice Auxiliary Liquor Inspectors (PALI) to stop a vehicle and givereasonable directions to the driver or passenger to help them exercise Point OfSale Intervention (POSI) powers. Previously, PALIs were only able to interactwith patrons within the store itself.

  • Amendings33 of the Liquor Act to allow the Independent Liquor Commission to hold publichearings as part of the process of varying conditions of a licence

This builds on measures introduced last year totarget alcohol-related crime and antisocial behaviour, such as powers allowing the Commissioner ofPolice to place a 48-hour suspension on licensed venues deemed to beirresponsibly selling alcohol and increasing penalties for secondary supply.

As noted by Attorney General and Minister for Justice, Natasha Fyles:

The Territory Labor Government is tackling crime and antisocialbehaviour with a suite of measures, and increasing Police powers to address the secondarysupply of alcohol is a major step forward in stopping the illegal flow of alcoholto people on the BDR.

These additional powers give police more flexibility when it comes todealing with the issue of secondary supply, which puts Territorians andcommunities at risk.

Recent research from the Menzies School of Health Research shows thesocial and economic cost of alcohol-related harm in the NT had risen from $642million in 2009 to $1.386 million in 2015/16.

This cost to our society and to the taxpayer – is unacceptable andthis Government will continue to tackle alcohol-fuelled antisocial behaviourand crime.

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