Cancer Council WA is urging the WA community to support the Daffodil Day Appeal this August by making an online donation to help fund life-saving cancer research.
Cancer Council WA’s Marketing Manager Communications and Community Engagement, Simmone Sharp, said that while many of us have had our lives put on hold due to COVID-19, cancer doesn’t rest, so Cancer Council WA’s vital work in cancer research must continue.
“Daffodil Day has traditionally been Cancer Council’s biggest fundraising event and we would usually be gearing up to ‘paint the town yellow’ with our street appeal,” Mrs Sharp said.
“However, due to COVID-19 we have cancelled our street appeal and are now asking Western Australians to jump online and make a donation to the Daffodil Day Appeal instead.
“Money raised by West Aussies will provide more than hope to people affected by cancer; it will fund vital cancer research that is saving lives every day.”
Mrs Sharp said that despite advances made in research and improving survival rates for many cancers, every four minutes another Australian is diagnosed with cancer.
“Every day 33 Western Australians hear the words ‘you have cancer’,” she said.
“Unfortunately less funding will be available for research due to the current climate, so it’s more important than ever to ensure we support the work of our researchers.”
Daffodil Day celebrates 34 years of turning Australia yellow in 2020, with Cancer Council aiming to raise $2 million for cancer research through online donations.
Cancer Council and its research partners direct almost
$60 million annually to research grants for vital research projects across Australia, making the organisation the largest not-for-profit funder of cancer research in Australia.
Thanks to investment in research over many years, significant advancements have been made in cancer prevention, screening and treatment – helping to increase survival rates from 49 per cent in the 1980s to 69 per cent today.
You can support the Daffodil Day Appeal by donating online before or on Friday 28 August.