There is still time for people who want to play a critical role in Aotearoa New Zealand’s climate change action to put their names forward for the independent Climate Change Commission, says the Minister for Climate Change.
Nominations for the independent Climate Change Commission close at midnight on Sunday 28 July.
“If you or someone you know has the skills and experience to advise the current government and future governments on the greatest challenge facing our generation, then we want to hear from you,” James Shaw said.
“We are looking for seven Commissioners, including a Chair and Deputy Chair. Collectively, we want these people to have strong understandings of climate change policy and what it takes to create a just transition, expertise relating to key sectors of the economy, what will need to change as we reduce our emissions, and a commitment to te Tiriti o Waitangi.
“The Climate Change Commission will be a crucial institution to help New Zealand stay on course to reach our goal of net zero emissions by 2050. It needs the absolute best people.
“We need candidates with expertise, skills and understanding from a range of backgrounds who can provide governments with the guidance and advice they’re going to need to ensure we stay on track with our climate change objectives.
“I am consulting with my colleagues across all political parties in Parliament about the membership of the Commission.
“Climate change should be bigger than politics and this is about getting the best mix of people who can drive a truly bipartisan, science-based, and ambitious response to the climate change challenge,” James Shaw said.
The independent Climate Change Commission will be established under the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill, which is expected to be passed by the end of this year.
The Climate Change Commission will set and review five yearly “emissions budgets” to maintain New Zealand’s progress to a low-emissions economy by 2050.
Governments will be required to respond to the Commission’s “budgets” by either accepting them or offering alternative settings that will still achieve the required emissions reduction targets.
Expressions of interest and information about submitting nominations can be found on the Ministry for the Environment’s website .