Robert Borsak has supported today’s announcement by the NSW Government of a proposal to allow property owners to shoot deer without a game licence on private property.
However, SFF will not support the declaration of deer as a pest, thus compelling farmers to eradicate or be fined.
“In these times of drought, farmers cannot afford to pay such penalties,” said Mr Borsak.
The governments regulation change is in line with the Shooters,Fishers and Farmers party policy, supporting farmers Right to Farm.
“It is important for farmers to be free to control game and feral animals on private property and we would encourage them to contact their local SSAA branches or local hunting clubs for volunteer conservation hunters to help in this control program.
“However, this must be done humanely,” Mr Borsak insisted.
“We certainly don’t want to see deer being shot with pea-rifles and left to die a lingering death.
“The deer culled should also be used either for pet food or human consumption, they should not be wasted, it’s the healthiest, cleanest meat imaginable,” said Mr Borsak.
The SFF also believe this approach is better than plans by Minister Adam Marshall to extensively use 1080 poison across all the effected LLS areas in the state.
His plans would result in this poison finding its way onto the paddocks and into our waterways, all over the state, resulting in the extensive killing of native mammals, reptiles and raptors, not to mention insects.
The inevitable result would also be that 1080 would find its way into the human food chain.
“We must ensure that NSW maintains its clean and green reputation, the Government must not be allowed to play politics with our farmers,” Mr Borsak said.