The TerritoryLabor Government is closing in on its election promise of 120 additional policeofficers this term, with a new recruit squad being sworn in this week.
The former CLPgovernment promised 120 more police in 2012 but over their four years of chaosthey failed to reach that target.
Recruitconstable squad 136 will comprise of 60 constables who will undertake trainingfor the next 30 weeks. If on the beat today, there would be an extra 136 policeemployed under this government and an additional 73 Police Auxiliary LiquorInspectors.
They willfurther enhance the great work police are doing including achieving 10-yearlows in assaults Territory wide and 3 to 5-year lows for property offences inDarwin, Palmerston, Katherine and Alice Springs**.
AdditionalAuxiliary and Aboriginal Community Police Officer squads are also scheduled tobegin training this year.
ChiefMinister Michael Gunner:
When we came toGovernment we said we wanted the police college to run at full capacity ithas done just that.
We have nowdelivered more than 80 of our promised 120 additional police officers, plus anadditional 73 of the promised 75 Police Auxiliary Liquor Inspectors. We willreach our 120 target.
We are makinggood on the broken promise of the CLP Government, who promised more police butfailed to deliver and who also cut school-based policing.
Minister forPolice, Fire and Emergency Services Nicole Manison:
Not only are weputting 120 additional police on the beat, we are ensuring they also have thebest resources possible to do the tough job they have.
This includesnew police stations in Palmerston, Nightcliff, Maningrida and Ngukurr. Anadditional 400 CCTV cameras, stronger powers to tackle alcohol related crime,and a $45 million upgrade to their IT system.