These developments were advertised in the Central Western Daily on Thursday, 8 August 2019. Submissions must be received by Friday, 23 August 2019.
10 William Street, Orange
Demolition (tree removal)
17 Stevenson Way and 1 Handford Place, Orange
(modification application) – Dwelling House, Subdivision (two lot residential) and Dwelling House
23 Hughes Street, Orange
(modification application) – Multi Dwelling Housing (six dwellings) and Subdivision (Community title – six residential lots and one community lot)
69 Byng Street, Orange
Subdivision (two lot Torrens title)
116 Sampson Street, Orange
Health Consulting Rooms (change of use and site works) and Business Identification Sign (pylon sign)
147 Hill Street, Orange
Demolition (existing dwelling), Medical Centre (new building) and Site Works
386 Molong Road and Lot 6 Northern Distributor Road, Orange
(modification application) – Subdivision (103 lots – comprising 96 residential lots, six open space lots and one residue lot)
Lot 144 DP 1233685 – Beer Road, Orange (formerly known as 74 Beer Road)
(modification application) – Subdivision (114 lot residential and three public reserve lots) and Demolition (ancillary structures)