NDS is currently participating in the review of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Department of Education and Training (DET) Service Agreement, along with other not-for-profit peak bodies. While many NDS members are fully transitioning to NDIS funding, there are some members who will continue to receive DHHS funding and will maintain a service agreement.We are keen to hear of any concerns members have with clauses in the current Service Agreement, and also obtain a sense of how many Victorian members expect to retain Victorian funding and be subject to the service agreement.In 2015, the sector was successful in achieving a number of amendments to the Agreement, including:
In September 2018, the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office released a report critical of the DHHS Service Agreement which concluded that: (i) The service agreement is not fit-for-purpose; and (ii) The department does not have an effective system for managing service agreements.