Disaster assistance is now available for Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council, which was affected by Severe Tropical Cyclone Trevor in March.
Assistance is being provided through the jointly funded Commonwealth-Queensland Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
Minister for Emergency Management and North Queensland Recovery Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC and Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Craig Crawford said the assistance would aid in recovery of the local government area.
“Severe Tropical Cyclone Trevor impacted Queensland twice, first as a cyclone and then as a low pressure system with flooding rain to communities across Central and South West Queensland,” Minister Reynolds said.
“While the extent of the damage caused by Severe Tropical Cyclone Trevor continues to be realised, all levels of government are working together to ensure support and assistance is provided to affected communities,” Minister Reynolds said..
“Financial assistance for Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council will help fund clean-up operations and restore public infrastructure damaged by the cyclone.”
Queensland Minister for Fire and Emergency ServicesMr Craig Crawford said the severe weather system – the tenth to hit the state in the 2018-19 disaster season – had damaged essential public assets such as roads and bridges across the shire.
“The Commonwealth and Queensland Governments are committed to supporting the long-term recovery of communities impacted by this event,” Minister Crawford said.
“This Ffunding will help Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council meet the cost of counter-disaster operations, including sand-bagging, tree clearing, and the reconstruction of essential public assets.”,” he said.
A range of DRFA measures are now available in 18 local government areas after TC Trevor: Aurukun, Barcaldine, Barcoo, Blackall-Tambo, Boulia, Bulloo, Burke, Cloncurry, Cook, Diamantina, Isaac, Lockhart River, Longreach, Mornington, Murweh, Pormpuraaw, Quilpie and Winton.
Information on disaster assistance can be found on the Australian Government’s Disaster Assist website at and the Queensland Government’s Disaster Management website at .