“Many Australians are suffering unnecessarily and some even die as a result of untreated dental problems throughout Australia particularly in rural areas.Dental care is a life and death problem for many Australians and as Doctors we join the call by Dentists for Dental Care to be included in Medicare”said Dr Con Costa Vice President of Australian Doctors Reform Society
“The costs of untreated dental problems can result in not only pain and suffering but also millions of dollars in health costs as a result of preventable serious complications ,expensive medical care and hospitalisations” .said Dr Marr
“Date from the Productivity Commission shows the average waiting times for first dental visits in public dental care is 465 days and the patient could die while waiting for this care”said Dr Robert Marr Secretary General of Australian Doctors reform Society
“It is a national scandal that millions of Australians cannot afford life saving dental care “said Dr Marr
“The Australian Doctors Refrom Society joins with Australian Dentists to call on Mr Morrison and Mr Albanese to support Dental Care to be covered under Medicare” said Dr Robert Marr