Blue Mountains City Council has endorsed the public exhibition of the Draft Community Zero Plan 2024 – 2033, which sets out a vision for the Blue Mountains to become a low emissions community.
The Plan was developed over the last seven months with input from residents and organisations via a collaborative workshop and online survey.
A range of actions have been identified focusing on key themes such as renewable energy, electrification, and sustainable transport. It is intended that some actions will be Council-led, and some will be community-led, with the overall emphasis being on collaboration.
Reducing emissions comes with a host of other co-benefits including savings on energy bills, cleaner air, green job creation, biodiversity improvements and improved public health.
Blue Mountains Mayor Mark Greenhill thanked the community for input into the creation of the draft plan, which sees the Blue Mountains join a groundswell of communities making a commitment to reduce emissions, to ensure we play our part in the global effort to limit temperature increases.
“The climate has already changed, and further change is already locked in. This change is driven by past global greenhouse gas emissions and any further emissions before the world achieves net zero,” Cr Greenhill said.
“It will take action from all levels of government, industry, business, and households to achieve a net zero emissions future for our city – what an opportunity for all of us to work collaboratively and provide real hope for future generations.”
You can have your say on the Draft Community Net Zero Plan from 9 April until 21 May 2024. Go to
Photo: Attendees of the Community Net Zero Workshop