
Due Time for Right to Farm

Following years of campaigning by the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party for our farmers and animal enterprises, the debate on the Right to Farm legislation has finally begun in the Upper House of NSW Parliament, said MLC Robert Borsak, leader of the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party.

The Right to Farm Bill will enshrine in law protections for farmers against nuisance claims, like smells and noise, and the ongoing threat of vegan farm terrorism.

“If it wasn’t for us, the Government would never have had this on their agenda,” said Robert Borsak.

The SFF have long had a policy on the Right to Farm, having continually lobbied the Government and campaigned on the need for tougher laws.

Mr Borsak Chaired the Select Committee on Landowner Protection from Unauthorised Filming and Surveillance last year, and also introduced the Animal Protection and Crimes Legislation Amendment (Reporting Animal Cruelty and Protection of Animal Enterprises) Bill 2018.

“These were the first steps we took in establishing greater protections for farmers from vegan farm invaders.

“Vegan ideology is one of the biggest threats that farmers face. This Bill will see tougher penalties for these terrorists, and hopefully deter them from threatening farmers and their families.

“The agricultural industry brings in around $13 billion dollars a year, not to mention food security to this State. This should be our priority, not virtue signalling farm terrorists,” said Mr Borsak.

The SFF will be amending the Bill to include protections for all animal enterprises, which will make it illegal to commission a farm invasion or vegan protest on inclosed lands, and ensure that industrial action and peaceful protest can still occur without penalty.

“We bill did not adequately address animal enterprises, such as butcheries and restaurants, and even rodeos.

“Our amendments will now make it illegal to commission an invasion, considering most of the protestors are unemployed and could not possibly fund such well organised protests themselves.

“While the Minister had assured us it was not his intention to make peaceful protest or industrial action unlawful, our amendments will ensure that this is the case,” said Mr Borsak.

/Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party Public Release. View in full .