
Easing cost of living pressure on parents

School parents can now access a $100 discount off their school’s Materials and Services Charge, after the measure was confirmed in the State Budget.

The $100 subsidy is for the 2022 and 2023 school years and equates to a $24 million investment for families across the state.

The charge can vary, but the prescribed sum is $253 for primary schools and $334 for secondary school students in 2022.

For parents who have already paid the 2022 Materials and Services Charge, families are eligible for a refund or a rebate to be applied to other outstanding charges such as excursions or school camps.

Individual schools will liaise with parents about how the refund/rebate will be applied.

Where families haven’t yet paid the charge for 2022, the school will automatically apply a $100 discount to the amount owing. Similarly, schools will discount the charge for 2023.

The discount does not apply to families who have been approved for school card because they are not required to pay a Materials and Services Charge.

The Premier and Minister this week wrote to parents and carers to advise them of the State Government decision.

In the lead-up to the election, the Malinauskas Labor Government committed to giving South Australian families with school-age children a $100 discount on their public school’s Materials and Services Charge for each child.


Attributable to Peter Malinauskas

Many South Australians are feeling the pinch of rising cost of living, including school parents.

Raising a family throws up all sorts of expenses and this is a practical way to provide modest cost of living relief to parents both this year and next year.

The State Budget also delivers cost of living relief to pensioners and other Centrelink recipients, low-income earners and people living in regional and remote South Australia.

Attributable to Blair Boyer

At a time when cost of living pressures are being felt by many families, we are making sure we deliver on our commitment as quickly as possible.

The thing that I have always upheld as the pillars and strengths of a strong public schooling system is its ability to cater to an incredibly diverse range of students.

A good education should be the foundation of any student, no matter their background or ability.

We hope this extra support will make things a little bit easier.

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