
Effect of Lockout laws on assault: latest data

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The Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research has updated our evaluation of the Lockout laws on assaults in Sydney for an extended follow up period.

Over the five years following the Lockout reforms we find non-domestic assaults decreased 53% in the Kings Cross precinct and decreased 4% in the CBD Entertainment precinct.

Over the same period assaults increased in various displacement sites. Non-domestic assaults rose 18% in a ring of suburbs neighbouring the Lockout zone. Among a group of four alternative nightspots accessible from the city (Newtown, Double Bay, Bondi Beach and Coogee) non-domestic assaults increased by 30%.

Despite this, BOCSAR estimates the reforms delivered an overall reduction in non-domestic assaults over 5 years, with an estimated net benefit of 395 fewer non-domestic assault incidents (1350 fewer assaults in the Lockout precincts versus 955 additional assaults in the displacement sites).

/Public Release.