This year, the Asthma and Allergy Association’s Research Fund is distributing SEK 8.8 million to important asthma and allergy research. Eight of the researchers who receive grants work at Karolinska Institutet.
The Asthma and Allergy Association’s Research Fund (Stiftelsen Astma- och Allergiförbundets Forskningsfond) annually awards research grants for scientific research on asthma, allergy, atopic eczema and other hypersensitivities.
This year, the fund is distributing more than usual, almost nine million kronor, to 15 researchers spread across the country. Eight of the researchers work at Karolinska Institutet.
KI researchers receiving grants
, professor at the
Awarded funding for the research project “Värmeböljor, grönområden och risken för astma hos barn” (Heat waves, green areas and the risk of asthma in children).
Total grant amount: SEK 600,000
Number of years: 3
, professor at the , Södersjukhuset
Awarded funding for the research project “Ett nytt program för strukturerad överföring mellan barn och vuxensjukvård för ungdomar med astma” (A new programme for structured transfer between children and adult healthcare for adolescents with asthma)
Total grant amount: SEK 600,000
Number of years: 3
, researcher at the and the , Södersjukhuset
Awarded funding for the research project “Astmafenotyper och livsstil i relation till yrkesutfall – en nationell registerbaserad studie” (Asthma phenotypes and lifestyle in relation to occupational outcomes – a national register-based study)
Total granted amount: SEK 600,000
Number of years: 3
, researcher at the
Awarded funding for the research project “PreventADALL – Preventing food allergy in schoolchildren with early invention” (PreventADALL – Preventing food allergy in schoolchildren with early invention)
Total granted amount: SEK 600,000
Number of years: 3
, researcher at the , Solna
Awarded funding for the research project “Systemisk behandling hos patienter med svår atopisk dermatit” (Systemic treatment in patients with severe atopic dermatitis)
Total grant amount: SEK 600,000
Number of years: 3
, professor at the
Funding for the research project “Trötthet, kognition och psykiska symptom vid allergisk rinit: en psykoneuro-immunologisk ansats för att förstå ett vanligt problem” (Fatigue, cognition and psychological symptoms in allergic rhinitis: a psychoneuro-immunological approach to understanding a common problem)
Total grant amount: SEK 600,000
Number of years: 3
, researcher at the
Awarded a grant for the research project “Bota matallergi hos barn – ett paradigmskifte från passiv till aktiv behandling med multi-allergen oral immunterapi för småbarn; InFO-studien (Infant Food Oral Immunotherapy)” (Cure food allergy in children – a paradigm shift from passive to active treatment with multi-allergen oral immunotherapy for young children; The InFO study (Infant Food Oral Immunotherapy))
Total grant amount: SEK 600,000
Number of years: 3
Theo Gülen, researcher at the , Solna, and the , Huddinge
Funding is awarded for the research project “Återkommande anafylaxier – kan vi förutsäga vem som riskerar att drabbas?” (Recurrent anaphylaxis – can we predict who is at risk of being affected?)
Total granted amount: SEK 600,000
Number of years: 3