Australian electricity generators have come together and developed an Electrical Arc Flash Hazard Management Guideline to help minimise risk to electrical workers.
An electrical arc flash is a serious hazard that is caused by an electric current flowing through an air gap between electrical conductors, which generates intense light and heat.
Given the serious potential for personal injury, equipment damage as well as operational impacts, industry members have agreed through the Australian Energy Council (AEC) that there was the need to increase awareness and ensure greater education to eliminate, or minimise, the risk posed to electrical workers from an arc flash.
Generators such as Alinta Energy, Synergy, CS Energy, Origin Energy, AGL Macquarie, Hydro Tasmania, Delta Electricity, Snowy Hydro, ENGIE, Stanwell, along with Thomson Bridge and Palisade Asset Management, have developed the AEC Electrical Arc Flash Hazard Management Guideline. The guideline is freely available and can be downloaded . It contains information (along with helpful technical illustrations) that should be considered for application when electrical workers are required to perform any activity on or near electrical equipment where arc flash hazards exist.
It is not intended to provide detailed electrical arc flash procedures, but will assist energy industry organisations to develop procedures and expected practices. To assist, an Electrical Arc Flash Hazards Management Guideline Checklist has also been developed and should be considered as a ‘starting point’ for any energy industry organisation wishing to complete an industry practice check.
This AEC publication is supported by AGL pursuant to an enforceable undertaking between AGL Macquarie ACN 167859 494 and SafeWork NSW, dated 16 April 2018.
The Guideline is also available for download as a and version.
About the Australian Energy Council
The Council represents 23 major electricity and downstream natural gas businesses operating in competitive wholesale and retail energy markets. These businesses collectively generate the overwhelming majority of electricity in Australia and sell gas and electricity to over 10 million homes and businesses.