One of the consequences of COVID-19 in Australia and around the world, has been a shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and an ongoing disruption to the supply chain, which has caused significant issues for healthcare workers including dental professionals.
Although masks continue to be in short supply, other supply chains have also been impacted including those related to gowns, hand-sanitiser and face-shields. The ADA has actively worked to secure masks and we continue to work to source supplies globally and connect new suppliers of at-risk stock and PPE with distributors.
The ADA has strongly advocated on behalf of the profession to ensure that dentists have the necessary equipment they need to continue to provide essential dental care and through these efforts the ADA has secured access to a limited supply of P2/N-95 masks from the government stockpile of PPE.
Practices can access a small amount of Level 2 (L2) or P2/N-95 masks (at cost); when placing an order, the following things need to be kept in mind:
Essential dental services
To ensure stock is being provided only to practices which remain open for essential and emergency treatment, practices must ensure they are listed on ADA’s service as open for emergency treatments.
Ordering what you need
We ask ADA members to continue to conserve PPE, to continue to try to order what you can through traditional channels so that together we can reserve PPE for health care workers treating COVID-19 patients.
Which mask and when
Current level 3 restrictions which are in place do not require you to wear a P2/N-95 mask. Level 2 masks remain suitable for dental practitioners. (Go to