The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has fined a Manilla farmer $1,500 for the alleged misuse of pesticides on a property.
On 22 March 2019, the EPA was notified by a member of the public alleging that pesticides had been used on a property, using a spray boom, in high wind conditions.
The EPA investigated and found that pesticides had drifted more than 200m onto a neighbouring farmer’s property, including his olive grove plantation.
EPA Regional Director North Adam Gilligan said pesticides must only be used in accordance with the product label and conditions to protect the environment and human health.
“When spraying pesticides, operators should be aware of any potential impact on their neighbours and the environment. Using pesticides in windy conditions can cause unintended impacts on the environment and others,” Mr Gilligan said.
The EPA is actively working in partnership with a number of farming communities throughout NSW to raise awareness in best practice use of pesticides.
Penalty notices are some of the tools the EPA can use to achieve environmental compliance, which can also include formal warnings, notices and directions, enforceable undertakings, legally binding pollution reduction programs, mandatory audits and prosecutions.
The community plays an important role in helping to monitor pesticide activities. If you are concerned about illegal pesticide use, or you have knowledge of an incident, please call the 24/7 Environment Line on 131 555.