Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has fined Suez Recycling and Recovery P/L $8000 for breaching a licence condition at its Hallam Road, Hampton Park landfill that it must prevent offsite odours.
EPA Southern Metropolitan Acting Manager Megan Vallas said EPA officers inspected the site in September 2019 following a large increase in odour reports from the public to ensure the operation of the landfill was compliant with the requirements of its EPA licence.
“Thanks to timely, descriptive pollution reports from the public, EPA was able to confirm landfill gas odour in residential areas consistent with that emitted by the Hampton Park Landfill,” Ms Vallas said.
Suez Recycling and Recovery has since installed additional infrastructure to better manage landfill gas. EPA will continue to monitor the site to determine the effectiveness of these controls and to ensure Suez Recycling and Recovery meets its ongoing licence obligations.
Under the Environment Protection Act 1970 and the Infringements Act 2006, the company has the right to have the decision to issue the infringement notice reviewed or alternatively to have the matter heard and determined by a court.