The latest results have further confirmed Griffith’s reputation as a leading research institution with the University doubling the number of fields earning the highest possible ranking in comparison with its previous outcome three years ago.
“Since the last ERA assessment in 2015, the University has jumped dramatically from 10 to now 20 specific fields of research rated at ‘well above world standard’,” Vice Chancellor and President Professor Carolyn Evans said.
Griffith’s research is ranked world-standard or better in 19 broad fields of research, with four of these – Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Environmental Sciences and Technology – receiving the highest possible rating of ‘5’ (well above world standard).
In the specific fields of research, Griffith was rated world standard or above in 59 fields, of which 20 received the highest possible rating of ‘5’ (well above world standard) and another 21 rated at ‘4’ (above world standard).
Professor Evans said the ERA results were outstanding, demonstrating sustained improvement over time and reflecting the vibrant research environment shared by the University’s researchers and PhD candidates.
“The University now has 41 fields of research rated at ‘well above’ or ‘above world standard’, and these are in every major grouping of the University including health, science, environment, information technology, business, social sciences, humanities and the creative and performing arts,” Professor Evans said.
“This excellent result is testament to the quality of the underlying research and the impact of publications produced by researchers at Griffith.”
She added that the results of the ERA 2018 research assessment exercise reflected Griffith’s growing comprehensive research profile.
“Our research is having transformational impact from laying the theoretical foundations for quantum computing to helping develop new methods to prevent youth re-offending to developing new materials to improve energy efficiency,” she said.
The top 20 specific fields of research rated at ‘well above world standard’ (5) are: Condensed Matter Physics, Optical Physics, Quantum Physics, Inorganic Chemistry, Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Ecological Applications, Environmental Science & Management, Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Nanotechnology, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Dentistry, Nursing, Oncology & Carcinogenesis, Medical Microbiology, Tourism, Criminology and Political Science.
The University is also delighted to have a large number of fields performing at the ‘above world standard’ rating (4). These areas include Biological Sciences, Engineering, Medical and Health Sciences, Studies in Human Society, Law and Legal Studies, Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry, Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience, Soil Sciences, Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Microbiology, Agriculture, Land and Farm Management, Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing, Environmental Engineering, Electric and Electronic Engineering, Human Movement and Sports Science, Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine, Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Policy and Administration, Social Work, Sociology, Psychology, Law, Performing Arts and Creative Writing, Archaeology and Historical Studies.
Evaluated by the Australian Research Council, ERA rates research areas 1-5 based on their level of excellence, with ‘5’ the highest.
For more information about ERA’s broad fields of research and specific fields of research, also known as two-digit and four-digit fields, visit