The ETU, AMWU and CFMMEU have been negotiating with WA News for over two years. The Union’s main claim is to hold on to existing terms and conditions that have been around for 40 years.
In November 2021 the unions applied to take Protected Industrial Action with an overwhelming majority YES vote. The plan was to take industrial action with a four-hour stoppage. WA News retaliated and locked all workers out for 48 hours.
WA News is trying to rip out redundancy provisions for the workers that have been in place for 40 years. Current conditions see workers entitled to four weeks of pay for each year of service uncapped. This was brought in because of the changing industry that they work in. Now WA News wants to cap the redundancy provisions at 26 weeks.
After many hours of suspended action and WA News inability to come to agreement with the Union, they decided to lock out all workers indefinitely.
Since 4 February they have locked out workers.
This company is owned by seven west media and made a large profit last financial year, including millions in JobKeeper payments.
The ETU, AMWU and CFMMEU stand strong together in this fight to hold on to our members terms and Conditions. We’re with you!
Solidarity with these members!