
Evaluation at DFAT 2018


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Aid evaluation at DFAT

Robust evaluations play a vital role in ensuring we deliver a high
quality aid program. Evaluations provide evidence and lessons to underpin our aid spend. They support an
organisational culture focused on innovation and continuous learning. Importantly, they assist us to meet
our accountability obligations under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act.


Law and Order Trust Fund for
Afghanistan Review: Australia is
contributing to this UNDP Trust Fund
to support the Afghan national police,
including police professionalisation and
institutional reform. This review analysed
the performance of the fund and scope
to address delivery performance.


Support to Vulnerable Communities
in Cox’s Bazar: This evaluation assessed
outcomes, examined value for money
and informed new programming for this
investment, which aimed to enhance
food security and nutrition for the most
vulnerable in the Cox’s Bazar District.


Water and Sanitation
Hibah Phase 2 Evaluation:
The evaluation assessed results
and identified ways to improve
the existing $120m investment
(over 10 years), which provided
incentives for local governments
to increase their investment in
water and sanitation services.


Coalitions for Change Independent
Completion Evaluation: Australia invested
$45m over seven years in a partnership
with Asia Foundation in the Philippines to
influence policy reforms. The evaluation
assessed results of this centrepiece activity,
which establishes and supports formal
and informal networks to contribute to
transformative change.

Papua New Guinea

Evaluation of Australia’s electoral
assistance to Papua New Guinea:
This independent evaluation focussed
on assessing the overall effectiveness of
Australia’s electoral assistance to PNG
from 2015–17, with a view to informing
the scope and nature of Australia’s
future electoral support.

Pacific Regional

Markets for Change Evaluation:
This evaluation assessed the impact of
this $18m investment implemented in
Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and Fiji to
build more inclusive and safe markets to
promote women’s economic empowerment.

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