
FFWA Submission Unequivocally Opposes Rock Lobster Industry Changes

Fishing Families WA (FFWA) has today made a submission to Fisheries Minister David Kelly “absolutely and unequivocally “opposing changes to the rock lobster industry, calling Mr Kelly’s proposals a “reckless and unfounded revenue and asset seizure by the WA Government”.

The submission, which is attached, states that: “FFWA entirely reject the WA Government’s proposed amendments relating to the unilateral and unjustified nationalisation of over 17 per cent (of the sector),” on 12 primary grounds, including:

  • Legal – The WA Government does not have the authority to hold a commercial fishing licence under either the Fish Resources Management Act (1994) or the State Trading Concerns Act (1916).
  • Sustainability – An increase in quota of 27 per cent is irresponsible and breaches the long established precautionary approach in WA and national fisheries management.
  • Environmental – The proposal could increase the risk of harm to whales, seals and dolphins, as well as a potential irreversible habitat change for the rock lobster population.
  • Economic and social impact statements – FFWA understand that WA Government has not undertaken any impact assessments for the social, cultural, economic and environmental considerations.
  • WA Government priorities – Cheap lobster and additional supply have been used by the WA Government as a smoke screen to cover their real reason for the proposed nationalisation. The reason is the WA Government is purely after an unjustified revenue and asset seizure.
  • Maximum WA domestic consumption modelling – independent modelling shows that domestic demand is well under the Government’s proposed increase to supply, meaning the Government will either need to subsidise domestic lobsters, or export to Asia.
  • Immediate Financial Detriment to Existing Unit Holders – The WA Government nationalising 17 per cent of the WRL fishery undermines the confidence in the WRL security of access, and increases WA Government’s sovereign risk across all industries. FFWA understands that major banks in Australia are currently providing 50 per cent less debt funding on acquisition of WRL units than prior to the announcement of the Plan.

FFWA is asking the WA Government to immediately withdraw the amendments, commit to not taking a stake in the industry now or in the future, and fixing the current number of WRL units so units cannot be created or destroyed. It is also asking for at least six months to develop a proposal for industry’s consideration, member consultation and approval, followed by negotiations, before any changes are finalised.


/Public Release.