In the past six years we have endured the worst drought on record, a pandemic and now the recent extreme floods. So, from a drought never seen before to floods never seen before, the impact on individuals has been severe.
We do, however, have a strong resilient community and with a little help we will recover and flourish.
Parkes Shire Council’s attention to date has focused on recovery efforts, particularly human welfare and restoration of access to residents and drinking water. There has been very significant damage to residential property, but also to water mains (8 kilometres of damaged pipe) and multiple millions of dollars of road damage.
It is well known that there is a national skills shortage and Council has not been immune to that. We currently have around 50 vacancies across our organisation and operations, so our resources are stretched. As a result, we must direct our efforts to the highest areas of need.
We will be hosting two information sessions for flood-affected residents: