More than 1,000 people across the Forbes Shire are currently subject to evacuation warnings, as the NSW SES continues to prepare for what is expected to be record-level flooding over the next few days.
As water rises in the Lachlan River, the Forbes community may see flooding that exceeds the record June 1952 flood. An evacuation centre has been established at Forbes High School and will be open from 8am tomorrow (Friday 4 November), in preparation for the evacuation of more than 500 homes. It is likely Forbes will stay above major flood levels for at least a week.
At 2pm today (Thursday 3 November), the Forbes Iron Bridge River gauge was sitting at a moderate level of 10.53m, expecting to reach 10.8m by tomorrow.
NSW SES has door knocked affected residents throughout Forbes, with sandbagging also continuing across the township.
In the last 24 hours, there have been 90 requests for assistance in the Forbes area, covering sandbag requests, transporting residents to medical appointments in Orange, fodder drops and supporting the community.
The NSW SES is also keeping a close eye on Wagga Wagga, with residents inside the North Wagga Wagga levee and Gumly Gumly advised to evacuate by 6pm today.
Parts of North Gunnedah have also been evacuated, with Moama experiencing ongoing major flooding across the Murray River.
Over the last 24 hours, NSW SES has responded to 345 requests for assistance, with 14 flood rescues throughout southern and western parts of the state. NSW SES is continuing to provide additional support to communities through fodder drops, livestock relocation, resupply and sandbagging.
The Department of Primary Industries is working alongside NSW SES to respond to livestock requests for farmers across the state.
NSW SES Assistant Commissioner Nicole Hogan is encouraging people in flood affected areas to stay prepared and have a plan on where to go and how to leave.
“The most important thing you can do is to make a plan and ensure you have an emergency kit ready to go,” Assistant Commissioner Hogan said.
“Gathering items in your home such as medication, appropriate clothing, waterproof bags for your valuables and a torch can help you while you evacuate.
“We are also asking people to have a plan for any domestic pets, and ensure they are able to be restrained and contained as you move around.”
For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW SES on 132 500. In life threatening situations, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.