European red foxes were introduced to Australia by English settlers in the mid to late 1800s. Foxes are an adaptable and opportunistic predator and scavenger with few natural predators in Australia.
Why are foxes a problem?
Evidence identifies foxes as a primary cause in the decline and extinction of many small and medium-sized native rodent and marsupial species in Australia. Foxes also prey on many bird and reptile species, as well as being a threat to domestic pets and chickens and can spread diseases, parasites, and any weeds they feed on.
In Council’s natural areas, we have recorded fox predation of native birds, such as the ground-nesting endangered Little Tern, as well as small to medium sized mammals including the Swamp Wallaby, Brushtailed and Ringtailed Possums and the Northern Brown Bandicoot.
Predation by the European Red Fox is listed as a key threatening process under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The NSW Government has developed the .
Under the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015 pest animals are any species (other than native species) that present a biosecurity threat. The identifies foxes as a biosecurity threat in our region and outlines actions land managers can take to minimise their risk and impacts.
Fox control program
Council is responsible for fox control on Council managed land, in particular our natural areas. Council’s fox control program aims to reduce the impacts of fox predation on native animals, especially threatened species, in natural areas including the Coastal Open Space System (COSS).
Fox control activities include shooting, baiting, trapping, fumigation and fencing. Council also conducts ongoing scientific surveys of native animals to evaluate the effectiveness of the program.
Where and when is fox control happening?
Targeted fox control is being conducted between April to June 2023 in the following locations:
- Rumbalara Reserve (Gosford-Springfield)*
- Katandra Reserve (Holgate)*
- Ferntree Close Reserve (Mt Elliot-Wyoming-Lisarow)*
- Barwon Road Reserve (Wyoming)
- The Ridgeway Reserve (Matcham)*
- Triple Springs Bush Reserve (Matcham)*
- Kenmare Road Reserve (Green Point)*
- Kincumba Mountain Regional Reserve (Kincumber-Green Point)*
- The Scenic Road Bushland Reserve (Kincumber)*
- Saratoga Conservation Area (Saratoga)
- Patonga Creek Foreshore (Patonga)
- The Entrance North including Karagi Point, Magenta, Soldiers Beach (Norah Head) and Picnic Point (The Entrance) (select Council managed land only)
- Bundeena Road Reserve and Fountaindale Ridge Reserve (Glenning Valley).
*Includes 1080 poison ground baiting from 1 May-2 June 2023. A map showing the location of these reserves can be viewed here.
Pet owners are encouraged to keep their pets safe and prevent them from entering these reserves at all times. and, if found, enforcement action may ensue. Council has a number of off-leash dog areas on the Coast where you can exercise your pet. .
Fox baiting
Council is conducting ground baiting using 1080 poison to target foxes in selected natural areas (see those marked in list above) from 1 May to 2 June 2023.
The community has been notified about baiting programs in natural areas through local newspapers, letters to adjoining residents, signage in reserves and Council’s website. Council has also notified local vets and animal hospitals about the baiting program.
The 1080 fox baiting is conducted in a strategic and controlled manner in accordance with all relevant legislation, including the Pesticide Control (1080 Bait Products) Order 2020, and best practice guidelines. Baits containing 1080 poison are buried where foxes are known to be active. Burying the baits minimises the potential they will be taken by non-target animals.
Bait stations are monitored before and during baiting to detect any non-target activity and action taken to reduce the risk. In some areas, Canid Pest Ejectors (CPE) containing 1080 poison may be used to reduce the risk to non-target animals.
The public MUST NOT touch any bait station or CPE.
WARNING: 1080 is lethal to cats and dogs.
It only takes one 1080 poison bait to kill a cat or a dog. All domestic animals must be kept out of 1080 fox baiting areas. Owners are encouraged to keep their animals safe by restraining them to prevent them from entering reserves. In the event of accidental poisoning, seek immediate veterinary assistance.
and, if found, enforcement action may ensue.
Council has a number of off-leash dog areas on the Coast where you can exercise your pet. .
Report fox sightings
You can play your part in managing foxes by reporting fox sightings, signs of fox activity, den locations and attacks on native or domestic animals in . is a free resource for residents, community groups, local Councils and other land managers to record and report fox sightings and control activities. Council monitors entries into FoxScan and the information assists in planning fox control activities.
Find out more
To find out more on our fox control program and what you can do to help, .