In June 2022, the Rockliff Liberal Government released a consultation paper with our proposals for changes to the Aboriginal Lands Act 1995 to improve the model for returning land to Tasmanian Aboriginal people.
The 70 submissions received in response to the consultation paper, and the many in-person discussions, provided valuable feedback and the Government greatly appreciated the thought and work that went into these contributions.
Overall, the Government’s proposals have been well received; however, the issues of eligibility to participate in the Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania election processes and the role of the Tasmanian Electoral Commissioner, in particular, need further clarification.
Aboriginal Affairs Minister Roger Jaensch has today released an additional consultation paper that asks for feedback on a more refined approach to these issues, and provides significantly more detail on how the proposed new arrangements could operate.
“This consultation period will run for 11 weeks with submissions due by 12 March 2023, to ensure that everyone has time to consider and provide a response,” Minister Jaensch said.
The feedback received through this and the previous consultation process will inform a draft Bill, which will be released for further consultation prior to its introduction to Parliament later in 2023.