Macedon Ranges Shire Council is inviting members of the Riddells Creek community to provide input into the development of the Riddells Creek Movement Network Study (RCMNWS) by attending an in- person community consultation session or through online submission.
The study is a pivotal piece of work aimed at addressing transport and infrastructure development and population growth in the town now and into the future. It will take place in two stages over two years, with the first stage focussing on current transport infrastructure gaps and prioritising demand for projects, and the second stage addressing the impact on traffic and transport infrastructure associated with population growth in the town. The first stage began over twelve months ago, but due to COVID-19 community consultation was delayed.
Council’s Director of Assets and Operations, Shane Walden said for the study to be effective it is critical to obtain community feedback. As a result, two rounds of community consultation will be completed, one for each stage of the study.
“This consultation session provides an opportunity for the Riddells Creek community to share their knowledge and perspectives and have their say on works that will help shape the future transport and movement solutions for Riddells Creek”, he said.
Round one consultation for the first stage will begin in April and will consist of discussion and feedback opportunities online and via an in-person workshop. During the workshop, community members will have the opportunity to talk to Councillors and Council Officers and submit feedback in relation to transport infrastructure and the movement network throughout Riddells Creek.
This will help inform the Draft Riddells Creek Movement Network Study (Stage one) which will be presented for community and stakeholder feedback in August 2022.
The in-person community first stage consultation workshop is scheduled for 6.30pm, Tuesday 5 April at the Riddells Creek Community Centre, 74 Main Rd Riddells Creek.
For more information and to register visit: