Conserving drinking water, increasing the use of alternative water, and improving the quality of stormwater runoff that flows into our watercourses and into Port Phillip Bay are the major objectives of Kingston’s new Integrated Water Strategy.
Both “Our Water Ways”- Kingston’s Integrated Water Strategy and the supporting document, titled “Our Water Ways”- Kingston’s Integrated Water Story, The Full Picture received strong support during public consultation held across July, August and September this year and have now been adopted.
Kingston Mayor Hadi Saab said the strategy recognises the immense pressures that changes to our climate and increased urbanisation places on every part of the water cycle.
“This important work builds on our award-winning inaugural Integrated Water Cycle Strategy from 2012 that has been instrumental in guiding Council’s objectives and actions related to water management over the last 10 years and was the foundation for many of the innovative projects and approaches that we have implemented,” Cr Saab said.
“The new strategy has deliberately been written as a community focussed document that explains our future direction, what Council will do, and what actions our community can take. It includes an implementation plan that clearly explains actions and timeframes across a broad range of initiatives, such as raising community awareness, improving developer outcomes, and constructing integrated water infrastructure.
“The strategy is supported by the more detailed Full Picture document that provides additional information about our journey, challenges, and opportunities,” Cr Saab said.
The actions within Council’s 2022 Water Strategy are closely aligned and support other important Council and regional strategies and plans, such as Kingston’s Climate & Ecological Emergency Response Plan (2021), the Urban Cooling Strategy (2020) and the draft Coastal & Marine Management Plan (2021); and the Victorian Government’s Healthy Waterways Strategy (2018 -28) and draft Greater Melbourne Urban Water & System Strategy: Water for Life (2022).
The strategic objectives, goals and targets, for both 2030 and 2050, are focussed on:
- using water wisely, including less drinking water (potable water) and more use of alternative water such as rainwater tanks, harvested stormwater and recycled water;
- protecting our waterways and Bay by reducing litter and all forms of pollution;
- improving our flood management, including prevention and response; and
- enhancing education, engagement and partnerships with our community and regional partners.