We’re in the early stages of developing our 2020/21 budget, and we want to hear from you.
Each year, we develop an annual budget which outlines how we will deliver everyday, high quality services and programs to our community.
This covers everything from rubbish and recycling collection, roads, parks and infrastructure upgrades, libraries and leisure centres, services for people at all stages of life and much more.
We’ll be making sure that our 2020/21 budget is financially responsible and continues to build on the solid foundation of previous years’ budgets.
Your feedback will help to inform our draft budget. The draft budget will be developed in early 2020, and released for community feedback in April 2020. At this time you will be invited to make a formal submission to the draft budget.
Tell us your budget priorities and ideas on our Your Say Yarra page by Tuesday 31 December 2019.